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Gary Allan & the
Honky Tonk Wranglers

Gary Allan #19
2012: Gary Allan's new Tomkins Guitar...# 19 and counting...!
Gary Allan now owns the world's largest collection of Tomkins Guitars!!!

2011: Gary's new guitar features an actual photo of his Father's car, a Ford Victoria!

Gary Allan #17
2010: Gary's new Tomkins...# 17 and counting...!

GARY ALLAN sporting his 2009 Tomkins Custom Guitar

Since the release of the video clip for Gary Allan's "The Best I Ever Had" that features his green Tomkins guitar, there has been huge interest in this unique instrument. Click on the image below to enlarge the photo...

The song has now been nominated for Single of the Year at the 41st Academy Of Country Music Awards.

The Tomkins 'Gary Allan Model' in distressed green and the Tomkins Guitar with kangaroo scratchplate are available in Nashville from THE LABEL.

Above: The GARY ALLAN Annual Fan Club Party
on June 9th, 2004 at The Trap in Nashville.
Jake Kelly with a Tomkins twin-neck,
Gary Allan with a Tomkins Diamontina and obscured,
Mike Fried with a Tomkins baritone guitar

Below: 2002 American photos courtesy of Steve Flange.

To see the photos and guitar info from the Gary Allan 2000 Australian tour, CLICK HERE!

Gary Allan with his new Tomkins guitarEddie Perez in Action
above: Gary Allan with his new Tomkins guitar............Eddie Perez in Action

Jake Kelly and Mike Fried
Jake Kelly (Tomkins Archtop) and Mike Fried (Tomkins Baritone) on stage in Illinois.

Allan Tomkins, Gary Allan, Jake Kelly and Mike Fried in Nashville

Gary's original distressed TomkinsGary's new Tomkins
Gary's original 'distressed' Tomkins...and his new Tomkins
click on the photos for an enlargement

Check our LINKS page for more on Gary Allan,
for photos and guitar info from the Gary Allan 2000 Australian tour CLICK HERE,
or go back to the PICKERS page to see who else plays a Tomkins.

For more details on Tomkins Custom Guitars and Basses . . .

Mobile: 0419 602 333
International Phone +61 419 602 333

E-mail: Tomkins Guitars

A selection of TOMKINS Guitars and Basses
are also available from:

Charlie Turner
Toll-free 1-866-790-2950

© 1997-2006 Tomkins Custom Guitars and Basses

Webmaster = ShowNet