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Tomkins Custom Guitars, Basses, Lap-Steels & Mandolins


Did you join the posse of
singers and guitar slingers at the

'Tomkins Guitars Showcase Concert, Tamworth 2011'

Thursday 20th January,
8.30pm in Blazes
at West Tamworth Leagues Club

The photos below show
just some of the fun,
roughly in order of appearance...

Photos below courtesy of Mark Turnbull
except as indicated, by Terry Phillpot

Gary Brown, Bob Howe, Allan Tomkins

Allan Tomkins                Bob Howe

(Andrew Hosking) Mark D'Rozario, Doug Bruce, Rusty Cochrane
Doug Bruce & The Tailgaters (Photo by Terry Phillpot - Eyegraphics.net)

Doug Bruce & The Tailgaters with Amber Joy Poulton (Photo by Terry Phillpot - Eyegraphics.net)

Rusty Cochrane and Dave Moore (Photo by Terry Phillpot - Eyegraphics.net)

Christie Lamb

Chad Morgan (Photo by Terry Phillpot - Eyegraphics.net)

Bob Howe, Gary Brown, Mick Atholwood, Terry Phillpot, Rusty Cochrane

Brad Rose, Tara Naysmith, Allan Tomkins, Rob Wilson

Chuck Vandenbelt

TALL TIMBRE - Daniel Odell, Ted Simpson, Damien O'Dell, Steve Shepherd

Daniel Odell

Steve Shepherd

Shea Fisher and Barbara Baillie

Mark D'Rozario

Amelia Richards is presented with a guitar by Allan Tomkins

Amelia Richards

Duncan Toombs                  Lee Forster

Dean Alexander

Gary, Penelope Sommervile, Chuck, Dean Alexander, Allan, Damien

Craig Morrison, Allan Tomkins

Travis List

Penelope, Allan, Brad Rose, Travis List

Dan Murphy and Murphy's Law

Makaylie Foodey

Gary, Penelope, Jason Lee, Terry, Allan, Damien

Check all the Showcase photo pages....

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       USA: 2007   2008   2011      HEXHAM: 2007

For more details on Tomkins Custom Guitars and Basses . . .

Mobile: 0419 602 333
International Phone +61 419 602 333

E-mail: Tomkins Guitars

A selection of TOMKINS Guitars and Basses
are also available from:

Charlie Turner
Toll-free 1-866-790-2950

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